What to Expect

Updated Covid Protocols. Our Reopening Team met this past week and decided to revise our current protocols, in light of falling Covid rates and current recommended guidelines. Please note that the Reopening Team will continue to review and revise our protocols as needed, based on infection rates and recommendations.

Beginning Sunday, February 27, 2022:

*Face masks are optional.

*There will be no check-in or temperature checks at the door

*Seating will continue to be in alternating pews only, to encourage social distancing. Ushers will continue to dismiss worshipers one pew at a time at the end of worship.

*The number of hymns and stanzas of hymns will no longer be limited.

*The full choir will begin singing in morning worship. This is anticipated to begin at Sunday, April 10 worship.

*Worshipers will now come forward to receive Communion, beginning Sunday, March 6. The bread will be in individual pieces and served with tongs. The juice will be served in individual, disposable cups.

*We will have nursery and childcare during morning worship.
